Astrological, Zodiac Stones & Modern Birthstone Guide
January Birthstone - Garnet
January's Birthstone is Garnet, traditionally scarlet red in colour but actually available in all colours of the rainbow.
February Birthstone -Amethyst
February's Birthstone is the Amethyst is a semi precious gemstone, which is available in colours ranging from a light lavender rose to almost a purple...
March Birthstone - Aquamarine
March's Birthstone is the Aquamarine. A precious gem from the Beryl Family, the same family as the Emerald. This gem comes in a variety of translucent/clear to beautiful...
April Birthstone - Diamond
April's Birthstone is the Diamond - Diamond is one of the most precious gems found on Earth. The hardest gemstone, Diamonds come in a variety of...
June Birthstone - Pearl/Moonstone
Junes Birthstone is the Pearl or Moonstone. Ancient people believed the appearance of the moonstone changed with the phases of the Moon and provided a...
May Birthstone - Emerald
May's Birthstone is the Emerald - Emerald is another precious gemstone loved by many. Some of the most beautiful Emeralds comes from Columbia.
July Birthstone - Ruby
July's Birthstone is the Ruby - Ruby is a precious gemstone found in many parts of the World. Some of the most beautiful Ruby is from...
August Birthstone - Peridot
August's Birthstone is the Peridot - Peridot comes in many beautiful shades of green. It is one of few gems that is never treated for color...
October Birthstone - Opal
Octobers Birthstone is the Opal. Opal is a very popular gem today but was once believed to be back luck to wear the gem if...
September Birthstone - Sapphire
Septembers Birthstone is the Sapphire. Sapphire is a Precious gem available in a range of all colours. Since the Middle Ages many people have given tribute to...